
161130 - Instagram - Himchan

Posted by Ninea

샵에서 아침부터 선물받았다. 
Received a present in the morning at the salon. #AgainstDisbandment 

오늘 창피한 무대를 보여드려서 보러 와 주신 팬 여러분들을 비롯 관객분들에게 죄송합니다. 다시는 이런일 없도록 주의하고 더 노력하겠습니다 죄송합니다 비오는데 모두들 조심히 안전히 가시길 바라요 

I am sorry to the fans and audience who came to watch today for showing an embarrassing stage. I will work hard and take note so that this will not happen again(.) I’m sorry(.) It’s raining so I hope everyone goes back carefully and safely

(T/N: Himchan was talking about their “I Guess I Need U” performance. They performed the short/cut version during music shows but during the concert, it was the full version so they were taken aback and had to readjust their performance. He was embarrassed because they kind of stopped “performing” and instead, stood on stage and just sang the song.)

이제 무대는 하나 남았고, 셀카는 왜이렇게 어려운건지 잘 모르겠고,머리는 잘라야겠다 

Now there is only one stage left, I don’t know why a selca is so hard (to take), and I have to cut my hair


See you later

trans cr itsbap ; take out with full credit