
161027 - Twitter - kboyparadise

Post by Alie

【K-BOY20撮影裏話 B.A.Pその1】今回の撮影では、誰よりもノリノリになってくれたデヒョンさん。撮影で使うホイップクリームをスタジオ中に噴射し、メイクさんに叱られるとこの顔^^ クールに決めるはずのヒムチャンさんも、しばらく笑い転げていました(*^_^*) #BAP
For the photoshoot this time, Daehyun was the one who was the most high spirited. Spraying the whipped cream in the studio and this is the face he made when the makeup artist scolded him^^ Even Himchan, who was supposed to nail it coolly, roared with laughter for a while(*^_^*)

To be accurate, he was scolded by the staff who had to clean up the floor and the makeup artist who had to fix his makeup after [the cream] overflowed from his mouth^^

【K-BOY20撮影裏話 B.A.Pその2】※その1の続き。そんなデヒョンさんの様子を見て「ひょっとしてスナックパーティーですか?」と撮影コンセプトを理解したZELOさん。お菓子をスタジオ中にばら撒くも、またまたメイクさんに叱られこのポーズ^^ 駄々こねた(笑)? #BAP
Continuing from (1), Seeing Daehyun like that, Zelo asked “is it perhaps a snack party?” and understood the photoshoot’s concept. He made this pose when scattering the lollies around and when the makeup artist scolded him^^
Throwing a tantrun (laughs)?

trans: cassie_baby